
What is LoboVirtualDesktop?

LoboVirtualDesktop is a technology that allows you to securely access UNM desktop applications from your own, personal device without actually installing the apps or investing in specialized hardware. You can access applications anywhere you have internet connectivity (home, dorm, coffee shop).

This means you can run apps like Adobe Creative Cloud, ArcGIS, Matlab, Microsoft Office, and SPSS on your personal laptop, phone or tablet from anywhere with very minimal setup and overhead.

Get Started

LoboVirtualDesktop is available to students, faculty, and staff at UNM. Request access and get started.

Additional Support

Additional questions, troubleshooting, and support outlined in FastInfo #7828.

If you have any questions please submit a Help.UNM ticket or contact UNM Information Technologies Customer Support Services (IT CSS) by calling (505) 277-5757.